Your Donation to 

Wichita Earth Crew 

supports the development of 

the Wichita community !

We accept donations via Venmo

@TulipEarthAngel on Venmo 

Please Label Your Donations

Use 'WEC' in the

 "What's it for" section to be used

 for any community needs

Use ‘WEC - ICT CFP’ in the 

"What’s it for" section to 

support our shopping trips 

every 3rd Thursday of the month for the 

ICT Community Fridge Project

Use 'WEC - Events' 

in the "What’s it for" section to

 support the events we host 

to create safe and joyful community 

Interested in sending a cash donation? -- please reach out to

Thank you for supporting our mission. 

We believe in our ability to make impactful change by connecting our community. 

Your donations make this vision possible.